Zhejiang Satellite TV’s “Super 818 Car Carnival Night” has a super-burning effect in the sky stage space!

Zhejiang Satellite TV’s “Super 818 Car Carnival Night” has a super-burning effect in the sky stage space!

"Super 818 Car Carnival Night" is a car-themed super "night" launched by Zhejiang Satellite TV and Auto App. It is produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center Super Night Studio. Chen Xuewu is the chief director, Jiang Yangjian is the deputy director, and Chen Ruochuan is the executive director. The director joins hands with many top domestic teams to create a super-burning carnival night.

The overall design of this carnival night with cars as the protagonist is quite different from the regular evening party. In the initial conception, the director team strived to produce a qualitative change in the stage space: in terms of the stage space layout, two independent performance spaces were designed. ——An interactive space between the regular main stage space and the top-level auto show. The main dance space is based on singing and dancing performances, and has been specially designed to be extended with cars as performance objects. The ring-shaped performance area and the track-like ground layout realize the continuous transformation of the performance space through the ground screen, lifting and the numerical control video matrix in the sky. This design makes the vehicle very flexible both from the program itself and from the business level. The grafting into the evening performance is more conducive to the expression of the theme of "Car Carnival Night".

In addition to the main stage beauty, the party designed an interactive space for variety games that is no less than the international auto show level. The gala integrates many classic variety show IP elements of Zhejiang Satellite TV, takes the car as the main body of the show, and innovates many new variety show gameplay methods, such as: adding a fingerboard "hidden corner", real car and toy tractor PK "Who is Reversing King", "You come to gesture and I will guess" that uses the car body as a barrier space for the game, etc.

The director of the party said: "The overall expression context of the party also seeks to convey the sense of fashion presented by the show through the expression of "carnival carnival".

In addition to the above performances, the party also launched a super car show with a sense of technology. This session is to use XR, AR and other technologies to show five blockbuster super car shows. Each XR super car show has at least three scenes, and many more reach nearly ten XR scenes. And the pure XR scene show of each car is close to two minutes. In order to enrich the technological means of the super show, we also specially designed a 1-minute AR show for the appearance of the vehicle on the main stage. All the scene styles of the AR show are derived from the expression of the design elements of the car or the selling point of the product. Artistic expression.


Next, I will show you the overall production behind the scenes of this evening party!

Stage design

This time, Shang Tianbao, the founder of Beijing Qisihui, served as the director of stage design. He named the stage design "Yu", which combines the poles of the mountains, the way of light, and the sky of the sky to create a space of heaven and air with emotional resonance from a macro perspective. Car world view.


The extreme of the mountain-I am the mountain

With the plane shape and three-dimensional construction of the EZ-Car LOGO, this evening party will create a mountain for the EZ-Car!

The red and blue colors of the main body of the LOGO are transformed into bottom-up power. Cars are the protagonist of the party. They will hover, circle, and climb, ascend to the top in the most stable way, and appear on the platform of Easy Car. There is no mountain in front of us, Yiche is the highest mountain!


The central platform resembling an apron will be the most focused stage, using multiple methods such as machinery and vision to give the platform more functions and concepts. The mountain is high and I am the peak, no matter whether people or cars, on the peak of Yiche will be the most dazzling protagonist.


The Way of Light-Linking Everything

The path of light that surrounds the entire field links scene expressions in different areas, and multiple spatial areas such as the MR stage, host station, and outfield return are communicated and interconnected to form a multi-functional path of light.


It is a runway, a race track, and a channel of light on the Internet. Bitauto is flying all the way as a leader. It brings together brand car companies and condenses car users; boosts growth and prospers the ecology of the industry.


Sky Dome: Connected Planet

The anti-dome from different time and space reconstructs a world view of the universe belonging to the automobile. Fragmented screen matrix, such as the arrival of the planet, is supplemented by visual, light, mechanical and other means to achieve fission of multiple effects.


The dome symbolizes Yiche, which covers comprehensive industry information, connects users, connects with brands, and touches everything; Yiche is an interconnected planet, interoperable, experience scenes, and cross-screen interaction.


The dome and the mountain are facing each other, implying a dialogue between heaven and earth, a dialogue with the world; all things are interconnected and shared with the world; based on the world, creating a new future.


Lighting Design

The lighting design was in charge of EYE Tian Weijun and Lu Xiaowei. Since this performance is a 360-degree open stage, more rigorous lighting design is required. Although there are no spectators at the scene, the lighting is still designed to be full of spectators. Try to make the picture of the sky and the earth more full, so that the dome of the stage can be agile. While achieving the combination with the stage beauty, try to use the beam composition to achieve the combination with the roof structure of the venue, so that the structural aesthetics and the overall lighting are combined.


Post time: Aug-27-2021